A toxic colon can impact our well-being and lead to other issues like diabetes or frequent headaches. Cleaning it has advantages for the entire body.



Many people are unaware that around 90% of illnesses and weight issues are connected to an unhealthy colon.



This body part is crucial for our health as it gets rid of harmful substances and waste that our body doesn’t need. If these substances build up, they can lead to severe health issues.



Our juice contains beetroot, carrots, and red apple. It is a great drink for cleaning the intestines.



List of ingredients:



6 leaves of kale
3 zanahorias
2 apples that are red, sliced into pieces.
1 remolacha
A lemon with half of its peel removed.
A piece of ginger that is 2.5 cm long.
Remember to remove the skin and clean the carrots, beets, and lemon.



Ensure that your fruits and vegetables are grown organically.







Add one or two cups of water to your blender.
Put all the ingredients together and blend them.
Use a strainer to separate the juice from the mixture.
Stir again with a spoon.
You can put some ice cubes in your juice to make it cooler.
To keep this juice fresh, store it in a glass jar and place it in the fridge.



– If you have ulcers, heartburn, or a citrus allergy, it’s best to avoid consuming lemon.


– It’s also not advised if you are using antacids or medications for blood or heart conditions.


– You should avoid eating beets if you are taking blood thinners or have kidney problems.

By Admin

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