One 8-ounce container of softened cream cheese

3/4 cup of sugar that has been powdered

Bread Recipe with Cream Cheese and Lemon Flavour

Get your oven preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and oil a regular loaf pan.

Combine the sugar, eggs, sour cream, oil, lemon zest, juice, and vanilla in a big basin. Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.

Sift the flour, baking soda, and salt in a separate basin.

After the wet components have been slowly mixed with the dry ones, make sure everything is thoroughly blended.

Regarding the swirl of cream cheese: Combine the powdered sugar and cream cheese in a small bowl and stir until smooth.

Spoon about half of the cream cheese mixture over the batter, then swirl together using a knife. Pour half of the batter into the prepared pan.

Put the remaining batter on top and drizzle the remaining cream cheese mixture on top. To get a marbled appearance, gently mix the ingredients together.

To keep the top from browning, cover the bread with foil for the final 20-30 minutes of baking, which should take 65-70 minutes.

So that the cream cheese can solidify, let the bread cool completely before cutting it.

By Admin

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